UZIN NC 112 Turbo Rapid gypsum levelling compound

Self smoothing, highly stressable and rapid compound for all floor coverings and wood flooring for thicknesses from 0 to 30 mm

  • superior flow characteristics
  • quick drying, ready to accept floor coverings after 6 hours*
  • very low tension
  • very high strength


Main application area:

  • smoothing and levelling of substrates for the subsequent installation of textile and resilient floor coverings, wood flooring and ceramics / natural stone coverings. Especially suitable for weak, old and mixed substrates in combination with a very early readiness for covering.
*At 20 °C and 65% relative humidity with max. thickness of 5 mm. See "Ready for covering".

paper bag, Big Bag

Pack size

25 kg, 1000 kg (on request)

Shelf life

min. 6 months

Water quantity

4.5 - 5 litres per 25 kg bag




approx. 1.7 kg/m²/mm thickness

Ideal application temperature

15 °C - 25 °C

Working time

15 - 20 minutes*

Ready for foot traffic

after approx. 1 - 2 hours*

Ready for covering

after approx. 6 hours*

Minimum application temperature

10 °C at ground level

Flow spread ring

approx. 155 mm ± 5 mm

Fire reaction

A1fl according to DIN EN 13 501-1

Blauer_Engel + Kurzlink uz113_GB_Label

Inštalacijski sistemi za estrihe, tla in lesena tla

Stroji in posebna orodja za pripravo tal in polaganje talnih oblog

Celotna paleta izdelkov za vgradnjo, obnovo in vzdrževanje lesenih tal

Resin flooring with passion for design

Montažni sistemi za polaganje keramičnih ploščic in naravnega kamna

Werkzeuge für Boden, Wand und Decke